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UGFTV Alum Daniela Rivera Antara ('18) 1ST Solo Exhibit W/ UNHCR
Daniela Rivera Antara, shows in this exhibition sensory and emotional images that reflect the internal and overwhelmed world of women who were forced to migrate to the city of Lima because of the humanitarian crisis in their native country.
Interview with Daniela Rivera Antara | GBPW Episode 148
"It’s more valuable to go deep into who you are as a person and be like, “Okay, what do I feel committed to and what am I willing to try?” Everything has already been done before, but you could offer a different perspective."
A New Perspective On Feeling by Daniela Rivera Antara
This young and talented Peruvian artist has emerged as a leading figure in the art world, thanks to her extraordinary ability to capture the essence of her subjects through dreamy, ethereal images. Daniela's work is a testament to the idea that sometimes, to see something clearly, one must learn to feel first.
Illuminating The Sublime: The Artistic Vision Of Daniela Rivera Antara
Her work explores universal themes that impact people across countries, cultures, and backgrounds, and her approach to photography is emotionally led and evocative of sensations and dreams.
Daniela Rivera “A través de la fotografía creo conversaciones visuales”
"[...] encuentro mucha energía interna al pensar en cómo nuestras vidas son guiadas por la necesidad de movimiento y crecimiento, guiados por nuestros compas interno emocional."
Fleeing violence in Venezuela, women migrants face callous indifference
[...] Rather than focusing on violence, which has become all too common, Peruvian photographer Daniela Rivera opted to document the safe spaces these women have created for themselves while navigating a hostile environment and yearning for the familiar.
La cruel indiferencia hacia las mujeres migrantes que huyen de la violencia en Venezuela
[...] En lugar de centrarse en la violencia, que se ha vuelto demasiado común, la fotógrafa peruana Daniela Rivera optó por documentar los espacios seguros que estas mujeres han creado para sí mismas mientras navegan por un entorno hostil y añoran lo familiar.
Blending an approach of fine art and documentary, with strong interests in gender, culture, identity and spaces, Daniela has photographed global stories about women and youth.
Economia Verde TV Peru | Daniela Rivera - Fotografa y Artista
Televisado en canal nacional peruano.
OPINIÓN | Sensibilidad femenina en la fotografía
Como ella [Daniela Rivera] abundan los ejemplos de sensibilidad femenina en el arte de la fotografía para denunciar y crear empatías sobre la realidad que se describe.
ACNUR y LUM inauguran exposición sobre mujeres migrantes y refugiadas
Exposición con fotografías de Daniela Rivera llega al LUM para conocer la problemática de ser migrante en un país de diversidad cultural.
La importante muestra reúne el trabajo de la artista peruana Daniela Rivera Antara, que ha sabido reflejar en 20 fotografías las historias de ocho mujeres venezolanas, que trascienden su condición de refugiadas o migrantes.
Women behind the lens: a moment of tenderness in a violent world
In Peru, it has become common to view Venezuelan women as sex workers, a stereotype that impacts every aspect of their lives. The women I met openly shared their experiences as I tried to understand why they were being treated this way.
»Nachts merke ich, dass etwas in mir zerbrochen ist«
Sie werden angefeindet und ausgebeutet: Die Fotografin Daniela Rivera Antara hat Frauen begleitet, die aus Venezuela geflüchtet sind – und ihre ganz privaten Rückzugsräume, ihr Familienleben und ihre Sehnsucht dokumentiert.
La importante muestra reúne el trabajo de la artista peruana Daniela Rivera Antara, que ha sabido reflejar en 20 fotografías las historias de ocho mujeres venezolanas, que trascienden su condición de refugiadas o migrantes.
Finding a Job as a Venezuelan Immigrant in Peru
How the pandemic set back women’s progress in the global workforce
The first year of the pandemic knocked 54 million women around the world out of work, widening the gender gap in employment. It could take years for that gap to narrow again.
Living within the Collapsed Myth of Multiculturalism
Afro-descendent Women during Covid-19
Remote learning is deepening the divide between rich and poor
In Peru and across the developing world, pandemic schooling is producing a lost generation of coronavirus kids
ACNUR: Presenta muestra fotográfica en Defensoría del Pueblo
Esta muestra tiene como objetivo visibilizar las graves situaciones por las que atraviesan las mujeres refugiadas en el Perú y la importancia que reviste la protección de sus derechos en un contexto distinto al de sus lugares de nacimiento.
COVID-19 and Gender: A Necessary Connection in Diplomatic Studies
Griffin, Jo and Daniela Rivera Antara. ‘“Separation by Sex”: Gendered Lockdown Fueling Hate Crime on Streets of Bogotá’. The Guardian, 8 May 2020.
Roasted, curried, sweetened … guinea pig meat returns to the plates of Peru
Growing demand for cuy meat, which has long been a national delicacy in Peru, is providing rural women with livelihoods.
'Separation by sex': gendered lockdown fuelling hate crime on streets of Bogotá
While men and women can go out on alternate days, trans people in the Colombian capital face increasing risk of violent attacks